Sunday, March 4, 2007

Hi everyone from Reuben

This a Caramello Koala. You eat them. They are so yummy. I love them. I like to eat them because i like them. These are Cheezels.
These are The Fairies, Harmony and Rhapsody. I love watching them and i want them to come on tv again.
I want to go that park. I love it. It has water and a park. How do you get on it? How do you get there?
I love you all and I hope you have fun and I think you are all fun and i think I love you all .

Please feed my penguin. He is called Penguin the Duck and I love him and I don't want him to die. Please take him for a swim. I want my penguin to play in the park there with the water. I think he would like it and I want to take him there.

Love from Reuben


Unknown said...

I think everyone in this family, love chocolate and cheesy snacks. Did you get any goodies from the party? You are a great kid Roo.


Colleen said...

hey roo
i fed your pet duck- he is very sweet and so are you
love nana

Unknown said...

Hi Reuben.
I'll have to buy some Caramello Koalas next time I go shopping - YUM!!!

Grandpa and I have been to that water park in Singapore. You need to go on a plane to get there it takes a very long time. They also have a whole Island that is a big park with rides, beaches, waterslides and a dragon walk. It is called Sentosa Island. I think you might go there some day when you are older.

love from

the Parry's said...

Reuben - my favorites are the Caramello Koala too!

Nomes- are you still letting your boys watch the Fairies!?!

Deb said...

Hi Roobydoo! Caramello Koalas were my favourite when I was 4 too!! Grandma used to buy them for me when she took me shopping! I still like them lots now as well!

I have fed and played with Penguin the Duck, he is very friendly!